About me
I am an Alexander von Humboldt postdoctoral fellow at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU). I have a Ph.D. in linguistics at Ohio State University. My research interests are historical/diachronic linguistics, morphology, and language documentation, with an areal focus on Iranian languages. In an interview conducted for the LSA's linguistics StoryCorps, I heard someone remark, ``if you get to know a language, it will tell you its problems.'' This quote serves to underline my research philosophy. I believe that quality research develops from a deep understanding of languages and the communities that speak them, coupled with strong linguistic fundamentals. This belief influences the way I teach linguistics, integrating my students' diverse linguistic backgrounds into the teaching of core concepts, and it influences how I conduct research, constantly learning and studying diverse languages, advancing them steadily descriptively and theoretically.